Environmental Site Management

During the month of February Northland, Auckland, the Coromandel and the Waikato regions experienced record-breaking rainfall. In stark contrast, the South Island is currently in the midst of a drought with no immediate relief in sight.

As we continue to operate under these conditions, our construction related activities can cause adverse environmental and nuisance effects. This is a reminder of your responsibilities to avoid and mitigate adverse effects on the environment with your project.

Site management means having adequate controls in place on your site, to ensure that compliance is achieved and harmful by-products of construction activities do not damage the environment or cause nuisance to neighbours.

The benefits of appropriately managing your site

  • Keeping your project on track. Non-compliance results in costly and time consuming exercises that delay your project. Erosion can also result in costly rework.
  • Doing your bit for the environment.
  • Demonstrate to the public that your company advocates and adopts the required environmental controls needed to limit the environmental effects your project may produce.

What does the law say?

Any construction or development work that creates a nuisance to the public or causes unauthorised discharges to the environment is against the law. This includes dust, noise, litter and any pollution entering the storm water system, streams and the sea.

Failure to do so can result in:

  • infringement fines up to $1,000
  • abatement notices
  • prosecution with fines of up to $600,000.

For further information on environmental controls please do not hesitate to contact Home health & safety.

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